Thursday, January 13, 2011

Turning Aside

Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” Exodus 3:3

Two weeks before the legislative session began I was still uncertain as to whether or not to commit to the writing of this devotional this year. The new office, new workload, new employees all point to more hours in the office and less discretionary time. My husband, who knows me better than I know myself, was encouraging me to take the plunge. His l ogic? “You have to get up and read scripture every morning anyway.”

He hit the nail on the head. He knows I know that the only way I make it through the session is by prioritizing my time to put first things first. And, he knows I try to start every day with some quiet time with the Lord. Truly, the devotional is merely writing down what the Lord shares with me during that time. And, of course, I know that the Lord always multiplies my time to accommodate any task He assigns. Time writing the devotional does not subtract from time needed for any other project.

Reading in Exodus this morning, I was reminded that we have to intentionally turn our attention away from where we are to see the things the Lord is doing. Moses was out tending the flock on the back side of the desert when he saw a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. The fire was not consuming the bush. Not being familiar with tending flocks in the desert, it would seem to me that something of this nature would surely get your attention. Watching sheep eat couldn’t possibly be all that exciting, and what else was there out there to distract Moses’ attention?

But scripture tell us that Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, . . .”. Moses had to purpose to stop what he was doing, change direction, and see what the Lord was doing. It was only after he turned aside that the Lord, from the midst of the bush, called him by name, “Moses, Moses.”

And Moses said, “Here I am.”

Whether we think our schedules are more hectic than Moses’ or not, the point is that we have to make the decision to turn aside to see what the Lord has to say to us each day. It is when we turn His way that He is able to call us by name and give us our marching orders.

Lord, Help me to remember to turn aside each day to seek Your face and hear Your voice. Amen.

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